Pusat Bimbingan Alternative Grace
Grace Training Centre (“GTC”) is an initiative of Calvary Love Foundation,committed to providing education to stateless children. It is located at 9 shoplots in Apas Mile 5, Pekan Kinabutan.
Founded in 2010, GTC has impacted the lives of more than 2000 children over the past years. We now have approximately 700 children between the age of 5 to 16 enrolled with us each year. The classes are divided into morning and afternoon sessions to cater to our students.
In 2016, GTC was granted the first ever license of its kind by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia to run the centre for the undocumented children. The Ministry proposed that the centre be named Pusat Bimbingan Alternatif Grace.
Now, the centre has a library, a computer lab, an office, staff room, a science lab and a student lounge. Apart from basic language skills, maths and science, students at GTC also attend art, music and computer lessons. Our education programme for older students includes electrical works, sewing classes and cooking classes. We also train our students in character building.
It is only through education where lives of these undocumented children and their families can be transformed. We can all play a role in bringing progress and change to our world, by giving every child a chance to life!
Every year, periodic free medical checkups and school talks on various topics like Anti-Drug, Anti-Gambling and Fire Prevention are organised for these undocumented students in collaboration with other NGO’s and the authorities.
由加略山爱的基金会创设的恩典训练中心(Pusat Bimbingan Alternatif Grace)于2010年开始为无国籍与边缘儿童提供基本教育,直到2023年拥有约700名学生。该中心的成立是为了社会边缘儿童提供优质教育,给孩子的生命带来改变的同时,为社会带来好的转化。
恩典训练中心的设立,起源于不忍无国籍与边缘儿童在街头游荡或无所事事留在家里,甚至涉及非法勾当。因此,从教育着手,期望社会带来转化与改变的力量。 该中心在阿拔士路5哩分会所租用一个单位设立学校,起初只有约20多位学生。学生都是印尼和菲律宾人的后代。他们的父母不是本地人但是拥有护照,孩子在这里出生,很多没有出生证也没有国籍。 除了外来人的后裔,该中心目前也有土著、华裔和巴瑶学生就读,其中包括本地人与外来人的孩子,由于没有注册结婚,以至孩子不能登记报生。也有孩子家住偏远地区,出生时没有报生,没有出生证。 加略山教会卓慧玲牧师表示,该中心设立之初免费提供教学,包括基本英文和数学,惟因文化与背景的差异,学生经常缺课、学习不认真,所有该会后来实施每月15令吉的收费,旨在让他们能更珍惜学习的机会;无法负担此收费者则可乐捐。
恩典训练中心创设的目标是为仍在等待证件的无国籍与边缘儿童提供需要与教育,让他们结束游荡街头的生活,拥有道德与守法的观念,有机会发挥本身的潜能,让他们的生命拥有美好的机会。 该中心开始操作后,越来越多这些孩子的家长自行上门要让孩子来上课,以至学生人数在短期内不断攀升,也足以见这些孩子对求学渴望。在学生人数越来越多后,教师空间挤到满,已不敷使用。 加略山教会后来买下该中心原址处的三层楼单位,为学生提供商更完善及舒适的学习环境,也开始比较正统性的教学课程。
目前,该中心设有幼儿园基本教育程,以及小学一至六年级,并按照学生的学习能力分班。有好些学生完全没有上过学也不识字,其中有的14岁没有念过书,这样的情况。只能让他去基础班。 由于该中心不是正统学校,仅能以马来西亚小学教程作为参考,教导的科目为英文、马来文及数学,后来加入科学。学生不能参与政府的考试,念到六年级就毕业。
【至少不会做坏事】 他们真的有改变
在投入无国籍与边缘儿童教育之前原在辅导工作领域的卓慧玲牧师,完全没有接触过这里教育,对她而言,是个很大的挑战。 她表示,无国籍与边缘儿童所处于的情况,包括生活、文化与背景都很不一样,加上他们的父母也没有受过教育,无法教导孩子。因此,该中心教师需要很有耐心地从头做起、不断重覆又重覆,例如过去有打架问题,就教导他们不要用暴力解决问题,以及要求他们做好清洁与卫生。 卓慧玲牧师表示,她在这7年办学过程重,学到很多知识及智慧去应对和处理面对的问题,而看到无国籍孩子、父母及家庭的改变与转化,让她感到新圩也有满足感。“我们看到社会转化的工作和孩子在改变,学生的父母看到孩子的改变,更是开心感动地落泪,希望新一代会比上一代更更好。”
2017年开始,恩典训练中心除了设有中文基础课,让学生学习花纹,也开设了中学班,让小学毕业生可继续中学学业。 惟卓慧玲牧师表示,基于中学书籍与开销对家长是重大的负担,以至如今只有两名学生。该中心希望获得社会热心者的援助,包括赞助学生,让更多学生可继续学业。 她表示,在中学班设立之前,学生六年级毕业就离校。他们年纪太小不能工作,又没有证件,随时可能会被警察逮捕,让他们接受中学教育与学习技能是最好的方案。 她表示,该中心未来将提供各种技能训练,让他们在社会上可以与人沟通,长大能有工作,不管到哪里都能为社会作出贡献。“我们计划每月举行一次技能训练,例如领导课程、烹饪、电脑课程、电子等,邀请拥有相关方面技能者来提供培训,主要是让他们有一技之长和生存的技能,让他们以后可以生活。” 恩典训练中心也继续提升设施及设备,并于去年进行扩建及装修,设立图书馆、电脑室、员工办公室及增加课室,以应付日益增加的学生人数,同时让无国籍儿童同样可享有优质教育。
Our Core Values
We are dedicated to empowering individuals to take control of their lives and make positive changes. Through our programs and services, we provide them with the tools, knowledge, and skills necessary to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide love, care, and support to orphaned children, empowering them to overcome adversity and realize their full potential. We are dedicated to creating nurturing environments where these children can heal, grow, and thrive. Through comprehensive programs focused on education, healthcare, and life skills development, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and provide them with opportunities for a brighter future. Our commitment is driven by a belief in the inherent worth of every child, and we strive to create a world where orphaned children are embraced with compassion, given the tools to succeed, and inspired to make a positive impact in their communities.
Our Vision
At Pusat Bimbingan Alternative Grace, our vision is to create a society where every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the opportunity to thrive and reach their fullest potential. We envision a future where vulnerable and marginalized individuals are embraced with compassion, provided with holistic support, and empowered to overcome their challenges. Through our comprehensive guidance and assistance programs, we aspire to build a community that values inclusivity, equality, and social justice. Our ultimate vision is to see transformed lives, empowered individuals, and a society that recognizes and embraces the inherent dignity and worth of every person.